Firstly, many thanks to all the Reservation Service customers who have kindly supported the decision I made at the start of December to introduce a deposit scheme.
I've been thinking of ways to try to add value to the Reservation Service and after requests from regular customers, I can add two offers starting from January 1st.

A) If you decide in advance to have your Reservation Comics WITHOUT a comic bag, you will save 5p per issue. This only applies if you tell me in advance, you can't decide on the day of purchase! Please contact me if you'd like to take advantage of this offer.

B) Alternatively for an EXTRA 10p per comic, you can have your Reservation Comics boarded. This can be decided on a case by case basis at the time of purchase.
Diamond have now confirmed these are back in stock. I'm hoping we'll have them next Thursday.
Once again, these offers won't start until the New Year.
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