Never miss an issue of your favourite comic or a volume of that graphic novel series you just can't enough of, by placing a reservation with Proud Lion.
We can also mail out your orders on a regular basis, which you set - be it weekly, fortnightly, monthly or bimonthly.
Here's two founding Avengers to tell you more:

To set up a Reservation Folder, Proud Lion requires the Customer’s contact details, including full name, address, telephone number and e-mail address if available.
If any of these details are found to be incorrect, Proud Lion reserves the right to terminate the Reservation Folder. It is the Customer’s responsibility to keep Proud Lion apprised of any changes to their details.
By applying for a Reservation Folder a customer is assumed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions (available from the store or online at
Proud Lion operates no minimum or maximum level of comics for a subscription.
However, the Customer is required to keep purchase reserved comics within two months. If a backlog of more than two months of comics exists in the Customer’s folder, the Reservation Folder will be suspended and no further titles will go aside.
Proud Lion will attempt to contact the Customer at this time and the existing reserved comics will be held for up to one full Calendar Month before the reservation service is cancelled and the comics are returned to the shelves.
Proud Lion operates no minimum or maximum level of magazines for a subscription.
However, the Customer is required to purchase reserved magazines within four weeks of a magazine’s publication. If when the new issue is published, a previous issue of the same magazine title exists in the Customer’s folder, the Reservation Folder will be suspended and no further titles will go aside.
Proud Lion will attempt to contact the Customer at this time and the existing reserved magazines will be held for two weeks before the reservation service is cancelled and the magazines are returned to the shelves.
Proud Lion operates no minimum or maximum level of graphic novels for a subscription.
However, the Customer is required to purchase reserved magazines within two months of a graphic novel’s publication.
If a graphic novel has been in a Reservation Folder for two months, Proud Lion will attempt to contact the Customer and the reserved graphic novel will be held for one full Calendar Month before the reservation service is cancelled and the graphic novel is returned to the shelves.
Customers are required to pay a refundable Deposit of £10 when they set up a Reservation Folder with Proud Lion. These funds will be held by Proud Lion and returned to the customer if they properly cancel their Reservation Folder by giving notice of a full Calendar Month (see CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY).
Customers are not required to pass a credit check or leave debit/credit card details to open a Reservation Folder. However, Proud Lion does place a limit on the total value of comics, magazines and graphic novels the Customer can have in their Reservation Folder at any one time. This limit is currently set at £50.00. If the total value goes over £50.00, the Customer will be contacted and no further comics, magazines and graphic novels will go aside until the existing backlog is cleared.
After a year, Proud Lion may grant the Customer an extension to a £100.00 limit. This is at the Manager’s discretion and subject to an additional Deposit top-up of a further £10..
If the Customer orders an expensive item, Proud Lion may chose to charge a 25% non-refundable deposit at Manager’s discretion. This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. This deposit will be refunded if the item cannot be supplied.
It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that the Reservation Folder is properly maintained and doesn’t default. Proud Lion will contact the Customer at certain points when a Reservation Folder becomes overdue. However, Proud Lion will not contact the Customer whenever a new item is placed within the folder.
If the Customer wishes to cancel a title, they will still be required to purchase all outstanding issues of that title within their folder. One month's notice will be required to make any changes to the Reservation Folder.
If the Customer wishes to completely cancel their Reservation Folder, notice of a full Calendar Month will be required and all outstanding titles within the Reservation Folder will need to be collected. Failure to do so will result in the Customer forfeiting their Deposit.
Proud Lion will not disclose the Customer’s information to third parties. The Customer can request a copy of the information Proud Lion holds about them by putting the request in writing.
Proud Lion reserves the right to refuse the Customer’s application for a Reservation Folder.
The Customer’s Reservation Folder may be cancelled at any time without notification.
Customers who have defaulted on a previous Reservation Folder will not be allowed to open a new Reservation Folder, except at Manager’s discretion.
(you can download these Terms & Conditions here)