Saturday, 20 June 2015

FUNKO POP! OFFER Three for £25!

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Free RPG Day 2015 @ Proud Lion!

by Rae

In addition to our normal gaming events scheduled throughout the month, this June sees the return of Free RPG Day! On Saturday 20th June, Proud Lion will be hosting sessions of D&D Expeditions, followed by an evening at Boston Tea Party where we will also be running Dread and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.

D&D Expeditions is the perfect way to get a taste of 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons. Each Expedition is only a few hours long – perfect for a quick adventure! We will be running two different Expeditions on the day. The first will run from 10:30am until 3pm. The second will be a split session, running in store from 3:30pm until 5pm, then continuing at Boston Tea Party from 6pm until 9pm.

There will be a maximum of four players for each Expedition, and to ensure Expeditions are balanced, pre-generated characters will be made available - no custom characters will be allowed. Tickets are free, but must be reserved via Ticketsource in order to play. Please note this is not a drop-in, drop-out session – please only reserve a ticket if you will be staying for the complete session!

Our evening offerings at Boston Tea Party will also be free but will again require tickets via Ticketsource. Our first, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, is based on the adventure contained within the Beginner Box, and serves as an excellent introduction into this science fiction RPG. Our second evening game will be Dread, a horror RPG that is centred around a classic game of Jenga. Both games will run from 6pm to 9pm at Boston Tea Party and can support up to four players. Again, both games will be using pre-generated characters for all players.

In order to reserve your space for one of these games, please follow the link below to our Ticketsource page, where you can select which game you wish to play and claim a spot.

In order to ensure as many people as possible get a chance, we are limiting each player to playing only one of the above games on the day.

However, that doesn't mean you can't bring your own games! Feel free to grab your friends and run an RPG of your own along side us in the evening. We'd love to see more people getting involved and trying out different RPG systems! We'll see you all on Free RPG Day!

Rae has a lot of RPG stories in her head this week!

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Big Game Hunting: Splendor Demo-Tournament

It's time for Big Game Hunting! This is a regular gaming event that takes place on the second Saturday of every month.  Players will get a chance to learn and play featured games all day long. This month we're doing something a bit different, and offering what we think of as a demo-tournament, featuring the fantastic Splendor!

Splendor is a brilliant strategy game which has players collecting gems and purchasing mines in the hopes of gaining power and influence. If one is able to acquire the right combination of mines, a noble will visit them, bringing that player even more influence. The winner is the player with the most influence points at the end of the game. The rules are wonderfully simple and easy to learn, making this game incredibly accessible yet difficult to master – especially if another player manages to snag that mine you've been saving up gems for!

So how will this demo-tournament work? We will, as usual, be teaching the game all day between 10:30am and 5pm. However, unlike other Big Game Hunting events, there will be an entry fee to play as many games of Splendor as you like for £4, paid on the day only. The reason is, for this event only, we are able to offer a chance to win some fantastic gaming kit to take home! Take a look at what you could get:

  • An alternate gem token with every game played, to a maximum of five.
  • A sixth Golden Jack gem token for earning a complete set of five tokens.
  • A pack of four alternate noble cards for the first fifteen players.
  • A full copy of the Splendor game (RRP £25) and a dedicated play mat for the overall highest scoring player over the day (to be drawn randomly in the case of a tie).
  • A full copy of the Splendor game (RRP £25) and a dedicated play mat for one randomly drawn player from the day (highest scoring winner not eligible).

Players will also get their usual 10% discount voucher off Splendor (may need to be ordered, depending on availability). Please note that players will only be allowed to play consecutive games if there are no other players waiting to join in. Gem tokens and noble cards are only available while stocks last. The highest scoring player will not also be eligible for the random draw prize.

See you Saturday 13th June!

(We are sorry to say we will no longer be offering games of Krosmaster for this event as previously advertised. This is due to stock issues at supplier level. Krosmaster events will be scheduled in future, check back soon for more details.)

Rae can't believe it took her this long to get her own copy of Splendor!